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kith + kin chorus

kith + kin (def: friends and family)

Kith + Kin Chorus, an uncommon choir in the twin cities, strives to build community, spread joy and give in service of others through harmony.
All are welcome:
No matter how much music theory you know,
who you pray to or if you pray, your gender identity, 
your physical ability, the color of your skin,
the culture that knit you together,
who and how you choose to love, your age or education,
how much money you have and on and on… 
You are welcome.

upcoming events

Feb 2 thru Mar 9


Open to all!

The session has started

but learn more about upcoming CCCs here:



Sunday, March 9

*KITH + KIN x Minneapolis Institute of Art*

FREE - Mia Family Day

Performances at 11 & 12

Audience participation encouraged!



Thursday, March 20


Open to all!


Saturday, May 3 | 4pm + 8pm


Cedar Cultural Center

a choral collaboration with


proceeds support the work of


Join the mailing list to learn about upcoming shows

and be among the first to hear when

Crash Chorus & Open Sing registrations open up.

_ Kith & Kin 2024_Juliet Farmer-40.jpg

What a beautiful night of song and support!
Thanks to all who came out to our two Season 7 Finale shows

at The Cedar.
Together we raised over $22,000 for Raíces Sagradas!

Deep gratitude to The Cedar for hosting us,

all the generous silent auction donors,
Gigi's Cafe for feeding us,
Humbird for singing with us

and to St Peder's, our wonderful open-hearted rehearsal home.

Screen printed by us, your singers, at Wentworth Screen Printing.

Adorable onesies, bandanas, totes, tea towels HERE

Tote Composite.png

Kith + Kin Chorus
 is an uncommon community choir in the Twin Cities, open to singers of all skill levels, and 70+ singers strong. If you can match a pitch and carry a tune, you can join! Voices are the original instrument and few things are more unifying than voices, raised together in song. And in a world that so easily divides and isolates, singing in diverse community is its own act of rebellion and reimagining.

Led by founder Rachel Ries​ (of Her Crooked Heart​), K+K Chorus aims to nurture a welcoming, joyful environment where anyone who longs to sing in a choir again (or for the first time!) can. Singers don't have to be able to read music or have theory training as songs are taught with the help of sheet music and reference recordings. The material is a wide, secular mix of classic & indie rock, pop, folk and whatever else inspires. Think: Queen, Neko Case, Björk, Yola, The Kinks.
K + K Chorus gives back to the Twin Cities community by holding a fundraising concert at the end of each season, the proceeds of which go to local organizations that strive to make our Cities better, safer, healthier places for all. Over the course of 7 seasons we've raised over $57,000 for these wonderful local nonprofits:
CAPI USA, Open Arms of MN, Spare Key, Women of Nations' Eagle's Nest Shelter, RECLAIM! and Raíces Sagradas.


Kith + Kin Chorus meets Monday evenings 7-9 in SE Minneapolis and seasons run roughly Oct through April. Season 8 is already in full swing but we've launched new community singing opportunities! If you'd like to know more about our Open Sings and our 6-week Crash Choruses, please join the mailing list above. If you'd like to put your name in for Season 9 (Fall 2025), drop a line to admin(a) before Sep 2025, requesting your name be put in the lottery hat. Once pre-registration closes, spots are then filled by section, by lottery.

In order to become the expansive, community-representing choir we aim to be, the lottery is weighted to prioritize singers from marginalized communities and those who haven't felt belonging in other choral settings.

Let's fill this hurting world with harmony!
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every tax-deductible gift helps us cover choir expenses, subsidize for members with financial need, generate new works, print heaps of sheet music and find new ways to engage in our community.
want to add your voice or
find out about our concerts
+ community events?
Sign on up here!

Rachel Ries is a fiscal year 2025 recipient of a Creative Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund. 

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